I forgot to mention that I've had all of this week off intermittenly (It's Exams week -Midterms so the whole High School has off except when they have to come in for midterms) So what was I doing when I wasn't at school?
Studying my bum off.
Dick found my report card in my room and figured out that I'm failing English so he's been standing over me like a damn hawk until I finish all of my reports. He's also been really patient, I'm kind of bad at reading- don't get me wrong I love it, but for one thing: boring books make me slower, and I get tripped up on words really easily. I'm not sure why. We're reading The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton and it's pretty good but I'm not sure why it's so hard for me to read. Dick suggested I read out loud to see if that helps and somehow it has, so I've been reading to him and it's helping me get used to the words. So that's good.
I feel bad that I'm failing my favorite teachers class D: But I really HATE writing essays. and Poetry. friggin Homer. YES I have to read/hear about Odysseus' events again >< and Helen of Troy and ALL that fun stuff T^T can't I get a BREAK from my relatives?
We're supposed to do something about Herc's Trials soon, I hope so. I need to call that big lug, I haven't seen him in a while....
ANYWAYS. I've been doing the studying and stuff, and also I've been getting a lot better at flexibility, I was pretty flexible to begin with (The blessing of being young as Canary says) and so it's not so bad, I just have to stay on top of it so I continue to be flexible as I get older. Something about joints stiffening I think, at least that was what I heard when I tuned back into what Canary was saying.
So that's pretty much what I've been doing all week, and since I was doing that this week, I've gotten the weekend off! :D Which basically just means I'll be hanging out with the Titans this weekend (...the teen ones, not the - ya -.-; I have to clarify these things). Dick promised to let Raven and Starfire take me shopping for a little while xD I think that means we get a credit card and drag the boys along for company?
I have to get teleported down there in a few. Gods I hate that, it's like having my stomach turned inside out, pulled out my mouth with a crochet needle and stuff back down D: not fun.
I think J'onns enjoying sending me though. I keep yelling 'Beam me up J'onny!" I kind of gets this look like he's going to knock me senseless. EXCEPT this one time (not at band camp) he turned into Scotty, with his shape shifting powers XDD I died. Oh gods it was funny and Bats' and Supes' faces were so funny they got so absolutely confused, oh gorgeous moments on board the JLU HQ xD <3
I'm a tad loopy from lack of sleep, headed to the docks for my weekend out on the town~
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