January 12, 2011

Mondays Suck at School

January 10th: Could barely drag myself out of bed, had to do a minimal run through of the most important exercises Bats and Canary assigned (yes I have HOMEWORK...from the WEEKEND.) Left my Handbook home so I couldn't lose it (brightest idea I've ever managed to produce I think)

Got an apple for breakfast and Dick picked me up, for some reason he was riding his Motorcycle (nicer ish weather?) so I had to cling for dear life and not eat until I got to school where I felt more like puking.

Have I mentioned I'm not a huge fan of Motorcycles? Love the designs- hate everything else.

Nearly late to my first period class because people in hallways are morons and a lot like Cattle: They don't FUCKING MOVE unless you prod them and hit them and push them a LOT.

School ws pretty boring until afterwards. Karen brought some sort of glow-in-the-dark hair gel and started messing around with my hair while I was nodding off during the boys' practice (which I have figured out is M-W-F with some Tues/Thurs anomalies now and then) I don't remember what she did but I know we had to sit in the back of the movie theatre because people got annoyed xD

I can't really remember what we even saw- Tangled maybe? I was tired. leave me alone haha after the movies we all split up for home so no big deal after that.

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