January 12, 2011

I Hope This isn't Peer Pressure

January 8th: (I was almost up to date and then I stopped writing and went to bed ><)

Basically I just walked around the JLU HQ all of the 8th and visited all of the areas, the best parts are the cafeteria, the sparring/weight room, and the platforms where you get beamed up (lol Star Trek ). I got dragged around by Black Canary and Green Arrow and eventually got released into Robin's care at around lunchtime. (Can I please state for the record that it makes me nervous being associated with a boy who wears clothing that shows more of his figure than I have ever shown. ... Then again it seems like a given in the superhero business- I'm lookin at you Supes and Bats - you guys are about five sizes TOO BIG for your clothes)

Not that you can really complain.

So Robin and I went out, I guess I don't really have an alias, I'm basically a nobody, I don't really need one so ya. I just wore a hood over my head so people couldn't identify me well later on. My hair give me away... (it's an odd strawberry/gold/blonde color) We were on our way to a pizza place apparently he and the other Teen Titans like (did I forget to mention he's leader of the TeenTitans? Oh ya, he's LEADER of the TEEN. TITANS.)

When we got there I met Beast Boy ("Gar"), Raven, and Starfire ("Star" or "Kory"). We basically just ate lunch together, though Cyborg wasn't there so I didn't get to meet him (I haven't really seen him on TV much and I've only seen him in some magazines when they do an interview with the Titans)

The three of them want to hang out some more so I think Robin made more plans for us to hang out over the long weekend (Dr.MLKjr day) I think I liked Raven the most, she's really down to earth and her and Gar arguing is pretty entertaining xD They kept going on about 'fake meat' and pepperoni on the pizza. I had to go back to the HQ for a lesson with Batman at 3 but the 3 hours I got to hang out with the Titans (WITHOUT incident either in the city or posession wise) was really fun.

Batman basically just taught me what Dick taught me only a little more advanced, but just barely. I got to bed around 8 after having a quick lesson with Black Canary (just running through the same stuff as Bats for half an hour except with a few different forms, and then helping me start to get more flexible D: splits = hatred) dinner with J'onn and Diana and then I hit my bed like a rock.

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