December 31, 2010

Writing Before We're Off

I have a lot to do today, so I'm updating you pretty much about everything from yesterday and the same situation will occur tomorrow along with a doubl post. So I can keep this whole week straight.

Amazon and I have made up pretty well, we went to Wayne MAnor yesterday and I helped decorate for the New Years Party after Dick showed me more Judo skills. I basically just fell again. Aparrently I will be doing nothing but falling for about a week or more until I learn how to do it properly. Mr.Wayne watched Dick teach me and gave both of us pointers: Dick HOW to teach, and me: how NOT to bust my tailbone. My back feels a lot better than yesterday at least :D

Yesterday was pretty boring, that was about the only exciting parts, we said goodbye to Alfred who was making little chocolate dipped somethings. He showed me how to make one before I left. They're called Marshmallow Reindeer. HE said there would prolly be some left to do today so I'm going to help him finish up. They're really quick to make :D

Amazon and I curled up with a movie yesterday called Australia. Movie OOZED Romance. blegh. It was alright though, not what I was expecting.

Today we're helping finish the decorations, random people are coming over for early dinners around 6 and to get party favors and will leave around ten, all of the profits go to charity once again (sort of like a second Christmas ball, for people who weren't able to make it to the Christmas ball). Then the private party starts, and at 11:30 we';ll go up to the roof and watch fireworks and count down the new year, it actually sounds a lot more tame than what I was expecting.

Apparently I'm supposed to expect a "surprise" at midnight, and I'm not  completely sure how to feel about that. Dionisus is apparently feeling chipper. I have his powers today, so either he's planning a REALLY fun party and doesn't want to get in trouble with Zeus anymore, or he's feeling puckish. Either way every friggin thing I walk past that's fruity is flourishing to the point of nearly bursting. @.@ No Farmer's market for me today.

Off to decorate. Happy New Year everyone, if I don't have time to let you know before hand :D (Dick told me to send his regards >.>; I'm really hoping they're not actually reading this...things could get awkward D: )

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